Category: Uncategorized
New Cries: Students Painstakingly Struggle To Buy PPE, Wonder Why
CONTRIBUTED ARTICLE It has been some eight months into the COVID-19 pandemic, and we as students are no less anxious and worried as we were…
The Salivary Glands
Missed the lecture or demonstration? That’s okay, it happens! We highly recommend the following articles by Teach Me Anatomy. Take a look at them, they’re…
Jamaican Government Petitioned To Provide More Support For Medical Students
Some ten Jamaican students have launched a campaign to lobby the newly mandated Jamaican Government to create more slots for sponsorship of medical students at…
Diabetes Insipidus
Diabetes insipidus is a lack of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) or a lack of response to ADH. This prevents the kidneys from being able to concentrate the urine leading to…
MedzIt Podcast Is Here!
The long awaited first episode of the MedzIt Podcast is finally here. The producers and hosts of the podcast announced a 7:30 PM launch of…
#TimeFiMedzIt – Medical Sciences Podcast Coming
It’s been quite a buzz over the last week, that a medical sciences podcast is on its way! That’s right, the MedzIt Podcast airs its…
UWI Should Not Convert USD Fees, Says Lecturer – Ogunsalu
Senior lecturer in the Faculty of Medical Sciences at The University of the West Indies (UWI), Mona, Dr Christopher Ogunsalu, says questionable promotion and hiring…
Med Students Undeterred By COVID-19 Pandemic
The rapid spread of the coronavirus across the globe, which has already claimed more than 650,000 lives and infected 16.3 million people, has not scared…
Know Your Triggers: Protect Your Asthma During COVID-19
Asthma is one of the most common chronic respiratory conditions, with one in every 13 persons having the illness. The condition affects both adults and…